Newborn C

Phew! We (finally) made it! Thanks again for everyone's patience. I think that's the last time I book three sessions in one week ever again. Not that it could be helped that two babies happened to arrive within a day of each other.

Remember these pictures? How could you not? They're amazing! (I say that because I can't take a whole lot of credit. It was E's idea. They even picked me up and drove me out there. Sure, I took the pictures, but my camera is like an extension of my hand, so it was really not a big deal.) Anyway, the darling baby inside that cute momma was born just a few days later.

Without further ado, here he is! The cutest little guy on this side of the neighborhood. Oh, did I mention both of those newborns live on my street? How did I get to be so lucky?!

Are you still breathing after all that cuteness? Oh good. Go ahead and scroll back up for a second dose. ;)

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