D Family, Family Photography, Saratoga Springs, UT

A few weeks ago, we embarked on an amazing 2 week adventure. One of our pit stops was in Saratoga Springs, Utah, where we literally ate and ran. Ok, we stayed the night, but we weren't there for much longer than that.

In exchange for housing us for the night, I agreed to take my brother and sister-in-law's pictures. They really didn't even have to twist my arm. I think the conversation went something like this:

SIL: So, how long are you going to be here?
Me: We'll come in the afternoon and leave in the morning.
SIL: Oh. Ok, well, my family pictures are a little outdated...
Me: Want me to take them?
SIL: Well -
Me: I'd be happy to! I'm bringing my camera. Don't tell me no. I'm taking your family pictures!

See? She had no choice but to acquiesce and let me do it. And then she had to wait THREE WEEKS! to get the pictures back. In my defense, two of those weeks were spent on vacation. :)

Without further ado, here they are.

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