N Family, Family Photography, Archer ID

It was so fun working with this family! I haven't seen them in quite a long time. I had never even met their baby, who is on the cusp of toddlerhood. I loved the relationship between the big sisters. One needn't look too deep to see a strong bond between them.

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P Family, Family Photography, Rexburg ID

It's true that a lot of my clients are friends or family. But even if they're not, by the end of the session, they feel like friends.

This is a little family that I would gladly stalk if they weren't already in my circle of friends.

See what I mean? Trust me. You wanna be friends with this family. But don't ask me who they are. I won't tell you. I'm selfish with my friends. ;)

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W Family, Family Photography, Rexburg, ID

When this family asked for pictures, their only requirement was they wanted some fall colors. We had to drive kind of far away to get them, but it turned out great!

I seriously love them all. Pin It

W Family, Family Photography, Rexburg ID

I love it when a family comes back to me year after year for pictures. I get to see their family grow in size, and in numbers.

And sometimes I get to help announce the changes in the family. :)

Thanks W Family for being such great friends. We're so excited for you! Pin It

O Family, Family Photography, Rexburg, ID 83440

I usually go to a location the day before a session and walk around, checking out lighting and spots, etc.

This session was no different. But the next day when we showed up, it was apparent that every other photographer had done the same. Every one of our picture spots was already claimed by another photographer and his/her clients.

What was going on?!

Turns out it was graduation week for the University. So, of course, when everyone gets together, you might as well get family pictures done! And where do you go? To the Gardens on campus, of course.

I don't think we'll ever make that mistake again. :)

Luckily we still got some great shots!

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M Family, Family Photography, Rexburg, ID

Have you ever seen a family with kids that all got along and genuinely liked each other? (Not just loved each other, since that's almost required of siblings.) 

I have.

In fact, I had the great pleasure of taking their pictures.

Meet the M Family. 

And this just had to be shared with the world. It's the best "silly face" picture I've ever taken. I said, "Ok, silly face picture." I put my camera to my eye and this epicness happened.

You're welcome world. You're welcome.
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