"A" Baptism

It's monsoon season in Southeast Idaho. Since there was a break in the rain and the grass was (relatively) dry, we headed up to the temple to take these adorable shots for A's baptism. She was excited and so much fun to work with.

Congratulations on your baptism!

(These pictures were taken at the Rexburg, Idaho LDS Temple.)
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Newborn C

Phew! We (finally) made it! Thanks again for everyone's patience. I think that's the last time I book three sessions in one week ever again. Not that it could be helped that two babies happened to arrive within a day of each other.

Remember these pictures? How could you not? They're amazing! (I say that because I can't take a whole lot of credit. It was E's idea. They even picked me up and drove me out there. Sure, I took the pictures, but my camera is like an extension of my hand, so it was really not a big deal.) Anyway, the darling baby inside that cute momma was born just a few days later.

Without further ado, here he is! The cutest little guy on this side of the neighborhood. Oh, did I mention both of those newborns live on my street? How did I get to be so lucky?!

Are you still breathing after all that cuteness? Oh good. Go ahead and scroll back up for a second dose. ;)

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Newborn K

The weather has been so moody lately. What is up with that? My photography schedule has been pretty empty for the last few months (mostly because it's been full of other things: house guests, vacations, youth activities/camp, a flood...).

Then life opened up and I was able to schedule three sessions in one week. And, of course, the weather thought that was hilarious and decided to dump on us. So, the first session had to be relocated due to rain and lightning, the second session we just persevered and did what we could with the dark cloud cover, and the third session was rescheduled for five days later.

What you are about to see is the second session where we shook our fists at the dark clouds and pushed on with the session.

The pictures turned out great, even though Baby K decided she wanted to be fed, and she wanted to be awake. As soon as I left, she slept like a log. Watch out for that one, Momma S. She's going to be camera shy for sure! ;)

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W Family

The W family has been one of my most loyal clients. (You may recognize the little man as the baby from my website header.) They even waited for my summer schedule to simmer down so we could to family pictures. On the scheduled night, we loaded our two families up and shipped out, ready to make the hour drive to the decided upon location.

And as we drove, we realized we were driving into a wall of black clouds, flashing with lighting. So, we turned around and drove home, deciding on a different location on the spot. In the end, the pictures turned out great. And since it was so spur of the moment, we were able to let the kids decide where they wanted  to take pictures and had a lot fun. 

Until next time! :)
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Hot Mama E

A few weeks ago I got a call from a friend of mine. It went like this:

E: Are you busy?
D: No. Just folding laundry.
E: So...I want to take some maternity pictures.
D: Cool. When?
E: Now.
D: Now? *I look at the clock. 8:47pm.*
E: Well, in like, five minutes.

E wanted silhouette pictures. You know, gorgeous mom, cute pregnant belly, amazing sunset. So, I grabbed my camera and five minutes later, we were driving to a nearby field. The whole way we were all watching the sky, praying for just ten more minutes of sunlight.

We didn't get a lot of vibrant colors, but the clouds and the deep blue sky were absolutely amazing.

Congratulations, E!

(Stay tuned for pictures of the cute baby that came a few days later!) Pin It